Pathway 2: Community Based Projects

This pathway is intended to focus on building partnerships and collaborations between artists and communities within the Grangegorman Project and surrounding areas. Within the 3 rounds of open calls to date, ‘…the lives we live’ programme has commissioned 12 projects which involve over 20 artists and community partners. Below is a snapshot from some of these projects in images with much more to come.


The Public Art Working Group’s objective is to provide critical support to artists and organisations working collaboratively on projects that engage and include local communities in imaginative ways.

There have been four rounds and a total of seventeen projects have been supported.


The following projects have or are taking place:


  • Incarceration Altars

    ‘Incarceration Altars’: Artist Bernie Masterson in collaboration with residents from the Mountjoy Campus. This project investigates the relationship between person, place and object through a series of images and prisoners’ narrative that contextualise the different worlds of prison identity and private identity. The exhibition and accompanying book was launched in autumn 2017 and is available to tour.

    Visit the project page here.

  • I’ll be in Your Camp: Will you be in Mine?

    ‘I’ll be in Your Camp: Will you be in Mine?’: was curated by artist Jennie Guy within her independent curatorial framework Art School. This project took place during spring term in 2017. It provided a platform for a unique conversation between the transition year students at ‘The Brunner’ (St. Paul’s CBS, Dublin 7), and artists Karl Burke and Naomi Sex, who both lecture in TU Dublin (DIT at the time.)

    Visit the project page here.

  • The Masterplan

    ‘The Masterplan’, curated by Jennie Guy working with artists John Beattie and Ella de Burca explores the educational environment of young people in the 21st century. This multifaceted and interdisciplinary project involving film, performance, discussion and workshops took place during 2016 with students in Dublin 7 Education Together National School and has resulted in a range of outputs, including a documentary film that was screened in the nearby Lighthouse Cinema and accompanied by a text written by artist Brian Fay.

    Visit the project page here.

  • Breaking Down the Walls

    ‘Breaking Down the Walls’ was led by the Theatre and Film Company Smashing Times in partnership with Aspire – Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland, St. Paul’s CBS Secondary School, Henrietta Adult and Community Education Service, and the TU Dublin Conservatory of Music and Drama (DIT at the time.) The focus was about breaking down walls and building creative connections within and between communities, exploring intersections between history, community, positive mental health, gender equality, human rights and inclusion.  Workshops were held in autumn 2017 followed by a theatre presentation, resulting in an online digital media booklet.

    Further information to come.

  • City of Dublin Winter Solstice Festival 2016

    ‘City of Dublin Winter Solstice Festival’ is an annual event of music, drama and storytelling, céilí music, dancing and craft making run by Smashing Times Theatre Company in collaboration with TU Dublin (DIT at the time.) The festival is a family friendly, community event for all generations to come together to mark the magic and embrace the potential of 21st December, the darkest day of the year.

    Visit the project page here.

  • One Hour Archive

    ‘One Hour Archive’ is led by the artist Louis Haugh  in collaboration with Alice Fitzharris and the An Siol Aughrim Tuesday Club. This archive captures the lively stories, memories and folklore of those who have lived their lives in close proximity to Grangegorman. It runs as a ditigal tour for 3 years. To access, download ‘Pocketsights’ mobile app through the AppStore for iOS or the PlayStore for Android and search for ‘One Hour Archive’. It is accompanied by a pamphlet with text by Nathan O’Donnell. The tour can also be accessed via the PocketSights website

    Visit the project page here.

  • Confinement

    ‘Confinement is a timescape map across 500 years from Henrietta Street and the Kings Inns to Grangegorman, questioning the arbiters of acceptable social norms. Artist and filmmaker McAdam uses charcoal drawings, live action, photographs and motion graphics combined with the imagined narration of artist Tony Rudenko (voiced by Actor Aiden Gillen. It was selected for the Dublin Film Festival, 1999, was show in the UCC Film & Media and most recently in the Lexicon Gallery in Dun Laoghaire.

    Visit the project page here.

  • To be. To wallow. To wonder.

    ‘To be. To wallow. To wonder’ is an action research initiative led by artist Maree Hensey in collaboration with TU Dublin Staff, Early Childhood Education Students Settings and Kid’s Own Publishing Partnership aims to consider how local children from 6-18 months engage through their senses in the development of their own unique language and expression.

    Visit the project page here.

  • Grown Home

    ‘Grown Home’ explores the historical and contemporary landscape of Grangegorman through a culinary lens, resulting in a digital art intervention in the form of an App. Key collaborators Clare Anne O’Keefe and Hilary Murray are engaging locally within Grangegorman to test and research content for this project during 2017-18.

    Visit the project page here.

  • Home on the Grange

    ‘Home on the Grange’ is led by architect/curator Emmet Scanlon, photographer Aisling McCoy and made in collaboration with graphic designer Paul Guinan. Engaging with people, places and through the network of hair salons in the area, the collaborative team are seeking to harness out latent but often unacknowledged creativity in home-making. The project has resulted in three publications, an evening of Songs About Home and a photographic exhibition across five sites in and around the Grangegorman site.

    Visit the project page here.

  • The Glass Garden I and II

    The Glass Garden’ was a residency led by Brian Cregan working with a youth and teenager collective drawn from Aosog Child and Family Project and Step by Step Child over summer of 2017 and 2018.  Utilising the TU Dublin School of Photography (DIT at the time), this project devised a process of engagement around photography, self and place with an introduction to the world of image-making, a chance to learn skills in image-taking and laboratory work, and opportunities to explore the arts environment of Dublin. The project was exhibited in the North House in August 2017 and in Rathdown House in 2018.

    Visit the project page here.

  • International Residency

    ‘International Residency’ is an initiative by Create in partnership with Brokentalkers that will commence in 2017 and run through to mid 2018.  Brokentalkers are an award-winning Dublin based theatre company that has built a reputation as one of Ireland’s most innovative and original theatre companies by making formally ambitious work that defies categorisation.

    Further information to come.

  • Crocosmia ×

    Site-specific audio, anthology of poetry, horticulture and multiple sites in Dublin city. The Spirasi community  – asylum seekers living in Ireland – , Dublin 7 Educate Together, St. Paul’s CBS., St. Joseph’s Secondary School Stanhope, TU Dublin, IMMA, the National Botanic Gardens, gardeners in Ireland, the OPW in collaboration with the artist Clodagh Emoe embarked on a project which began in the garden of Spirasi on the North Circular Road in Dublin 7. It resulted in the formation of a working group Crocosmia (named after the wild Montbretia flower, common to Irish roadside and native to South Africa). Crocosmia x brings art, poetry and horticulture together in its aim to cultivate Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora as a new metaphor for diversity and inclusion in Ireland that questions received notions of what is ‘native’ and what is ‘foreign’.

    For more, visit the project page here.

  • Stories Between Us

    Inter-generational discussion, play, exhibition, publication that took place from 2018-2020. Artist Janine Davidson working in partnership with the National Museum (Collins Barracks), St. Gabriel’s National School, Henrietta Street Adult Education (HACE) and the Phibsboro Retirement Group shared what play means to young and older participants. Play and memory objects were conserved by the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks in a special designed memory box. It was launched in May 2019 and the exhibition in the Museum was extended until early 2020.

    Find out more here.

  • Nature RX

    Inspired by the concept of the ‘green prescription’, Bi Urban in Manor Street in collaboration with TU Dublin Visual Communications and TU Dublin Environmental Sustainability Health Institute developed a six-month ‘Nature RX programme for residents of all ages and backgrounds to explore their own personal connection with nature in the Grangegorman area. This has involved engaging with communities along the Lifeline Greenway and continues as a campaign to open up an accessible greenbelt in Dublin’s north-west inner city. It includes silver cast jewellery drawn from local floral to D7.


    Find out more here.

  • A Creative Celebration of the Centenary Vote for Women

    Smashing Times has led a research process into the centenary vote for women that has resulted in a film reflecting on the experience of women today in relation to gender equality, human rights and diversity. Working in collaboration with St Pauls CBS Secondary School, Stanhope Street Secondary School, Henrietta Adult and Community Education (HACE) and Mount Temple Comprehensive School, the first event associated with this took place in March 2019.

    Further information to come.